Pineapple Care

If you've only eaten pineapple from the grocery store, you're definitely missing out. Not only is pineapple from the garden fresher than in the store, you also have many new varieties to choose from when you grow your own. Whether you're going for a sweet, golden taste or a tart, zesty flavor, Wellspring Gardens has the variety of pineappple (Ananas comosus) for you.

Scientific name: Ananas comosus


Pineapples can be tightly planted together in patches 12-18 inches apart.

  • Average height at maturity. Most pineapple varieties grow around 12-36 inches.
  • Cold weather: In areas with light frosts, the leaves can be damaged if not protected. Planting pineapples at the edge of tree canopies allows sunlight and offers some protection from frost.
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize every 4-6 weeks for the first 14-16 months. Hold off on high nitrogen fertilizers after this period to encourage full development.
  • Light: Full to part sun. Provide as much sun as possible. If grown in indoors, provide as much light as possible.
  • Water: Watering needs are sparse, but pineapples also tolerate frequent watering.
  • Soil: Pineapples thrive in well-drained, acidic soil that allows them to dry out. They’re highly drought-tolerant.
  • Zones: 9b-11


It takes up to three years to produce pineapples, but it’s worth the wait. Spring and summer harvest time brings a sweet reward. You’ll know your pineapple is ready to harvest when the fruit starts to change color, begins to smell more like pineapple, and feels slightly softer when you touch it. Cut it off the stalk with a sharp knife and start slicing. If it isn’t quite ripe after you cut it off the stalk, you can let it ripen on the counter at room temperature.

Trade Secret: After harvesting, cut off the crown and allow it to dry out for a few days. Plant the crown again to grow another pineapple!

Shop for pineapples at Wellspring Gardens.

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