Watering Guide

It’s a hot summer’s day—one of those when you feel like you're melting and all you want is a huge glass of ice water and a giant popsicle. That same, almost insatiable longing is exactly what your #WellspringPlantMail 🪴📫 is going through after being in transit. If your plant is one of the lucky ones who remained hydrated thanks to its pre-journey soak, it may not even show signs of wilting and you can just water as normal; but if it is wilted, soothe your weary plant from its travels with regular, deep waterings, and it will likely perk right up. Plus, watering your plant immediately upon arrival activates your 30-day guarantee.
How much water do my plants actually need?
While it would be nice to get an exact measurement of how much water to give your plants, watering doesn’t really work that way due to differences in soil, drainage, and climate. A better question is how wet should my soil be? Here at Wellspring Gardens, we try to simplify that for you by categorizing soil moisture levels into 3 main categories:
💧💧💧 Moist
- Bog plants
- Bananas
- Carnivorous plants
- Colocasia elephant ears
- Most fruiting plants
💧💧Medium moist
- Alocasia elephant ears
- Some houseplants
💧Partially dry
- Xeric (desert-like) plants such as cacti and dragon fruit
- Most houseplants like Hoyas, Anthuriums, etc.
- Pineapples
- Pomegranates
If your type of plant isn’t covered in the examples above, you can refer to the individual product page or plant stake in your plant’s pot for the specific soil/watering needs for your plant.
Check out our video to see exactly what your soil should look like to keep your plant’s thirst satiated:
Should I water my plants every day?
As your plants recover from shipping stress, daily and deep watering is best. After that, as you focus on what the soil should look like for your plant, you should get an idea of how much hydration is needed. In addition, on each of our product pages, you’ll see an image that includes the number of days you’ll probably need to water your plant. It’s just an estimate and is given as a range, because remember, it’s more about maintaining the correct moisture level.
It will make more sense if you see proper watering in action, so If you haven’t watched our watering video yet, scroll back up and watch it.
Should I water my plants more or less during different seasons?
Plants need less water in fall and winter than they do in spring and summer to maintain proper soil moisture. And if your plant goes dormant, keep it on the drier side; it will likely only need to be watered 1-2 times per week.
Should I use a special type of water?
Most plants are pretty tolerant of any type of water, but there is an exception: Carnivorous plants are finicky. For the best chances of success, use distilled or rainwater. Learn more in our video below and on our carnivorous care page.
Proper hydration is a plant’s most basic, yet sometimes most overlooked need. A drink of water may seem like too simple of a solution if your plants are struggling, but give it a shot. It’s like when an infant cries and you assume his tears mean hunger, you’ll be right nine times out of ten. So give watering the same benefit of the doubt and you may save your baby plant's life.
Happy planting! 🪴