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Passion Fruit Care

Passion fruit vines are a great choice for your garden for their stunningly intricate flowers, highly aromatic and edible fruit, and for attracting butterflies. Passion vines grow rapidly, and they are prolific bloomers. Their flowers can be yellow, orange, red, or purple. Passion fruit is delightful as a whole fruit or as flavoring added to a drink.

Scientific name: Passiflora edulis

Butterfly Gardens: Bring swarms of butterflies to your garden with passion fruit vines. For butterfly gardening, be sure to plant in part shade. Passifloras are larval host plants to these species:

  • Zebra Longwing
  • Gulf Fritillary
  • Crimson Patch Longwing
  • Red-Banded Hairstreak
  • Julia
  • Mexican 

Butterflies will eat your passion vines up, but Passifloras grow quickly enough that they can stay ahead of the larvae.


  • Planting: Plant on a fence or trellis in full sun to part shade. In extremely hot areas, part shade is preferred.
  • Watering: The passion fruit vine has medium water requirements. Irrigate frequently to keep the plant producing.
  • Hardiness: Minimum low temperature is 25-30 degrees Fahrenheit. Passion fruit is ideal for zones 8-10.
  • Average mature height: 20 to 30 feet

Shop for Passion Fruit at Wellspring Gardens.

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Passion Fruit Care