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Guava Care

Bring the tropics to your garden with refreshing, tropical guavas. Read on to learn more about caring for guavas.

Psidium guajava. Guavas produce large golfball or baseball-sized fruit. Guavas can grow 10-20 feet high but are easier to maintain if kept around 6-8 feet. Luckily, guavas are generally resistant to pests and diseases.

Psidium littlorale. The Strawberry/Cattley Guava varies from the Psiudum guajava varieties. Strawberry guavas have dark green, glossy leaves. They produce ping-pong sized fruit. Psidium littorale guavas may be more cold tolerant to zone 8.


  • Fertilizer: During the growing season, feed occasionally with a liquid fertilizer containing minor nutrients.
  • Light: Full to part sun
  • Soil: Guavas can be grown adequately in poor soils, but will perform best with moist, well-drained, fertile soil.
  • Water: Average watering needs
  • Zones: 9b-11
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    Guava Care